CCVGIT | Dashboard

Sector Summary

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Supporting Actions


The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.


Promote climate smart inputs and management practices in agriculture

Development of crop varieties and livestock breeds resistant to ...
Develop sustainable soil fertility improvement practices
Adopt mechanical and biological control methods to keep ...

Sector Summary

Loremm ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sit amet finibus arcu, sed blandit lacus View more


Supporting Actions


The science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.


Promote climate smart inputs and management practices in agriculture and livestock management

Improve irrigation practices and water management ...
Climate resilient agriculture/agroforestry practices ...

Introduce climate resilient seed varieties
Promotion, storage and management of green manure 

Sector Summary

Loremm ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sit amet finibus arcu, sed blandit lacus View more


Proposed Actions

Research, and Knowledge Management

Knowledge management is the collection of methods relating to creating, sharing, using and managing the knowledge and information of an organization. It refers to a multidisciplinary approach to achieve organisational objectives by making the best use of knowledge


Institutionalize gender-sensitive benefit-sharing mechanism

Gendered impact of various strategies, plans and project...
Mapping of impacts of climate change and its gender ... 
Develop different funding scenarios for integration of gende ...
Strengthen research on the linkages between climate ...
Introduce Social Environmental Impact Assessments (SEIAs) ...