Project Details

Project Number LN3092-PAK
Project Name Jamshoro Power Generation Project
Sector/Thematic Area Energy
Financing Agency ADB
Modality None
Description The project?s impact will be an enhanced energy supply in Pakistan. The outcome will be a more efficient energy mix through diversification from expensive HFO to less expensive coal. The project will (i) increase the capacity of the Jamshoro TPS by installing a 600-MW (net) supercritical coal-fired unit, using an 80/20 blend of imported sub-bituminous coal and domestic lignite when available; (ii) provide 5 years of operation and maintenance (O&M) support; (iii) improve compliance with international and national environmental standards by installing emission control devices for the existing units and remediating the site; (iv) enhance the capacity of GENCO Holding Company Limited (GHCL) and Jamshoro Power Company Limited (JPCL) by providing financial, technical, and operational training; and (v) promote education on coal-fired plant operation by providing on-the-job training, and integrating such training into technical school curriculum. The infrastructure developed will also support government?s plan to have an additional 600-MW unit at the same site.
Adaptation Finance (thousand USD) 0.0
Mitigation Finance (thousand USD) 3640.0
Total Project Climate Financing Amount (thousand USD) 3640.0
Mitigation Objective Climate components
Adaptation Objective Climate components
Region Asia