Project Details

Project Number LN3159-PAK
Project Name Trimmu and Panjnad Barrages Improvement Project
Sector/Thematic Area Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing
Financing Agency ADB
Modality None
Description 1.Trimmu and Panjnad Barrages Project (TPBP) will rehabilitate and upgrade the Trimmu and Panjnad barrages on the Chenab River, which supply irrigation water to 1.74 million ha through six main canals. The project will (i) rehabilitate and upgrade the two barrages, and (ii) build institutional capacity in flood risk management. Trimmu barrage is located downstream of the confluence of Jhelum and Chenab rivers. Its flood passing capacity (FPC) is reduced from originally 18,265 cubic meters per second (m3s-1) to 12,743 m3s-1. The project will enhance the FPC to 23,220 m3s-1. Panjnad barrage is located downstream of confluence point of Sutlej and Chenab rivers. The project will enhance the barrage?s FPC originally, from 19,822 m3s-1 to 24,495 m3s-1.
Adaptation Finance (thousand USD) 2889.0
Mitigation Finance (thousand USD) 0.0
Total Project Climate Financing Amount (thousand USD) 2889.0
Mitigation Objective Climate components
Adaptation Objective Climate components
Region Asia