Project Details

Project Number 107643
Sector/Thematic Area Other Multisector
Financing Agency Canada
Modality C01
Description Five consortium partners - the Overseas Development Institute, Innovations, Environnement et Developpement en Afrique, the Center for Climate Change Studies - University of Dar es Salaam, the Grantham Research Institute at London School of Economics, and Sustainable Development Policy Institute will implement a research project that aims to catalyse inclusive climate resilient development in African and Asian semi-arid lands. Lessons will be drawn from six core countries: Burkina Faso, Kenya, Pakistan, Senegal, Tajikistan and Tanzania. These countries all have large, economically crucial semi-arid lands, where water scarcity shapes ecosystems and social and economic opportunities. The consortium s vision of climate resilient development is of development that both eliminates poverty and maximises people s capacity to adapt to climate change, and it expects that implementing this vision requires change. The program of research is designed to produce evidence that will support this change. The research will first identify the different enabling factors of economic development, where they fail to meet the needs and aspirations of poor and marginalised people, and if they increase these people s vulnerability to climate change. Then, it will look at which of these key factors might be affected by climate change and how. Finally, the trans-disciplinary research will assess how to resolve trade-offs between these different dimensions to support climate resilient development. The research results will advise policymakers and decision makers contemplating uncertain interactions between climate change and economic development in fragile semi-arid lands. The researchers will engage with business leaders, economic ministries, and regional economic communities to create new knowledge, and translate this knowledge into policies and investments, reducing poverty and strengthening adaptive capacity.
Adaptation Finance (thousand USD) 126.179053136598
Mitigation Finance (thousand USD) 0.0
Total Project Climate Financing Amount (thousand USD) 126.179053136598
Mitigation Objective Not targeted/Not screened
Adaptation Objective Principal
Region South & Central Asia