Project Details

Project Number 107641
Sector/Thematic Area General Environment Protection
Financing Agency Canada
Modality C01
Description The Hindu Kush Himalayan region -one of the most dynamic, diverse and complex mountain and associated floodplain systems in the world - provides water resources and other ecosystem services to more than 210 million people in the mountains and 1.3 billion downstream. Socio-economic changes in combination with climate change impacts may significantly affect these people s livelihoods. To address priority adaptation issues in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal, the project will develop robust evidence to inform policies and practices for enhancing the adaptive capacities and climate resilience of the poor and vulnerable women, men and children in the mountains and plains of the glacier and snowpack dependent river basins of the region. Focusing on the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra river basins, the project will compare results of research and pilot adaptation interventions at sites representing a range of climatic and hydrological conditions and socioeconomic contexts. It will actively engage stakeholders in this process. With a consortium that is deeply rooted in the region and of high scientific excellence, the project will (i) generate scientific knowledge on climate change impacts, vulnerability drivers and adaptation policies and practices, (ii) systematically promote the uptake of knowledge and adaptation practices at various scales by decision makers to reduce vulnerabilities of communities and build livelihood resilience, and (iii) strengthen interdisciplinary expertise in climate change adaptation and resilience research. These outcomes will contribute to impact through improved adaptation policies and practices and the mobilization of funds for sustainable adaptation strategies, and through building up alliances with global and regional players.
Adaptation Finance (thousand USD) 43.9033221689146
Mitigation Finance (thousand USD) 0.0
Total Project Climate Financing Amount (thousand USD) 43.9033221689146
Mitigation Objective Not targeted/Not screened
Adaptation Objective Principal
Region South & Central Asia