Project Details

Project Number 7F-05691.03-22000-665-43040-C01
Sector/Thematic Area Other Multisector
Financing Agency Switzerland
Modality C01
Description The Livelihoods Programme (LP) was formed from the merger of 4 smaller SDC-funded projects, and was initiated in 2008. It was designed for 6 yrs. With the emergence of the Regional Programme Hindukush (RPH), it was decided to merge LP within the upcoming RPH, shift its areas of intervention closer to the Afghan border. In order to have an appropriate planning horizon, prepareing the LP for its integration into the RPH, and looking for links to upcoming projects on the Afghan side it was decided to add a one year Transition Phase.
Adaptation Finance (thousand USD) 1870.51854930895
Mitigation Finance (thousand USD) 0.0
Total Project Climate Financing Amount (thousand USD) 1870.51854930895
Mitigation Objective Not targeted/Not screened
Adaptation Objective Significant
Region South & Central Asia