Project Details

Project Number LN4154-PAK
Sector/Thematic Area Other Social Infrastructure & Services
Financing Agency ADB
Modality C01
Description The proposed RBL program will support the Government of Pakistan's efforts to implement high priorities from its Ehsaas Program (social protection and poverty reduction) in a coordinated, cohesive and systematic manner. The RBL modality is appropriate for the proposed program because the government has: (i) a sound social protection and poverty alleviation agenda and a vision for the sector, (ii) provided a clearly defined scope for ADB and other development partners, (iii) demonstrated progressive improvements in fiduciary and financial management (FM), (iv) extensive experience and success with the program-for-results financing instrument from the World Bank, and (iv) increased use of country systems in parallel with reforms in procurement and FM. In addition, the nature of the program requires a results and systems approach with the focus on overall results rather than a number of discrete interventions. The RBL modality will facilitate the implementation of works by using country program systems, supporting institutional strengthening, promoting development partner coordination and harmonization, and reducing overall transaction costs.
Adaptation Finance (thousand USD) 7875.0
Mitigation Finance (thousand USD) 0.0
Total Project Climate Financing Amount (thousand USD) 7875.0
Mitigation Objective Climate components
Adaptation Objective Climate components
Region Asia