Project Details

Project Number 76_47197
Sector/Thematic Area Energy
Financing Agency United States
Modality C01
Description The project seeks to strengthen Pakistan's power generation and transmission systems and promote relevant policy reform. The project provides advice and technologies, as well as oversees USAID-funded construction and repairs of thermal power plants and dams. Through these and other efforts, the project is helping the Government of Pakistan to put more power on the national grid, decrease losses in revenues, and increase cost recovery by the power generation institutions. Objectives: The main objective of the project is to strengthen Pakistan's energy sector by improving the country's power generation and transmission capacity. Main Activities: 1) Support the Government of Pakistan's policy reform activities, 2) Advise the ministries of Water and Power, Finance, and Petroleum and Natural Resources, as well as the Energy Wing of the Planning Commission on power sector issues such as shale gas and the imports of liquified natural gas, 3) Conduct studies related to power .
Adaptation Finance (thousand USD) 0.0
Mitigation Finance (thousand USD) 209.02
Total Project Climate Financing Amount (thousand USD) 209.02
Mitigation Objective Principal
Adaptation Objective Not targeted/Not screened
Region South & Central Asia